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146-147 | 2016
Craquelures globalisées du religieux

Global religious cracks
Couverture JDA 146-147
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Credits: Illustration : Dominique d'Acher. Acrylique sur toile 130x97, 1985
380 pages
ISBN 979-10-90923-12-6

Placing the religious in its subjective and global contexts is both to examine all of its articulations and its two constituent dimensions: an imaginary salvation deriving from a set and localized symbolic capital though now immediately globalised – and a line of flight for subjects confronted by increasingly difficult existential situations with few future prospects. This issue initially inspired by the growing number of attack in 2015/2016, holds these two poles in each particular case.

The digital sphere and globalised practices are shaped by the right to be oneself. They align religious orientation with sexual and ethnic orientations and they definitively transform universality into a sum of infinite singularities. The deeper and deeper entanglement of symbolic and economic markets constitutes the current framework of religious production.

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